teaching a steam-bent spooncarving workshop at Plymouth CRAFT the
weekend of April 2nd and 3rd and there are still a couple of openings to
get in on it. Plymouth CRAFT is an exceptional, relatively young, organization that is offering classes in everything from greenwoodworking to fiber arts to cooking with fire.
My course is listed as one of their upcoming events, but while you are at their website, take a minute to look around and check out their other great offerings. They are doing things that no other school is doing, and you won't meet a nicer group of people than those who run the organization. Everyone is exceptional and I am thrilled to be associated with them in any way that I can be.
class is a great opportunity to learn to carve elegant spoons and to
try your hand at steam bending. If you've been thinking about building
chairs, but you are intimidated by the bends, this weekend will get you
over that hump. Or maybe you just want to carve spoons. Bending the blanks is a great way to create unique flowing forms that function as nicely as they look.
We'll be prepping blanks for bending at the shaving horse with drawknives and then after the bends have set, we'll move on to carving with knives and gouges. It is fast and fun process.